Gynecomastia is a common hormonal disorder in men to develop involuntary growth of glandular breasts or breast tissues or both that occurs due to the activity and elevation of female primary hormones to exceed the level of male primary hormones in the male body. Gynecomastia usually occurs in pubescent boys and pubertal hormone fluctuations, which usually resolves on its own, but in the less common cases of persistent gynecomastia requires medical treatment to resolve. Usually Gynecomastia can be temporary, most significantly with pubertal hormone fluctuation that lasts as long as 1-3 years with a protrusion in the chest appearing as breasts, which can be firm and with or without the presence of lymphatic nodes. Sometimes, the problem resolve on it’s as the hormone levels stabilise with time, and the chest flattens up. The cause of your gynecomastia will determine the treatment. Although it may be difficult, you should talk about the issue with family and friends. Consider seeing a therapist, talk and know more about your exact problem and determine a solution. Luckily, for a majority of pubescent boys, the breasts shrink away automatically within a couple of years due to hormone levels stabilizing.
What is Gynecomastia
Causes and Issues with Gynecomastia
No one wants male breasts, yet it does exist as a worst nightmare and there are many men who suffer this syndrome at their best by hiding it behind denial, baggy clothes, a secluded lifestyle and low self esteem. But life goes on and male breasts do come to wayward events because it is just not normal for a man to have breasts instead of just chests.
Gynecomastia is not a disease to be cured, this but a genetically inherited hormonal disorder which does no particular harm to the body in usual cases, except for making the sufferer self conscious. There can also be nipple sensitivity, pain and tenderness too, but rather uncommonly. The situation may worsen when male androgen hormones are exceeded by female steroids that are supposed to be present in the male body but only at a dormant level.
Excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs like LSD, marijuana and usage of steroids can be held partly accountable for causing gynecomastia too. Older men, with decreased secretion of testosterone and experiencing hormonal imbalance, patients of prostate cancer, and these causes can also lead to gynecomastia in older patients.
Pseudo-gynecomastia is just breast tissue and chest fat without any glandular presence or milk production. It is like any body part accumulating subcutaneous fat. It can be tried and prevented with exercise and diet but subcutaneous fat is stubborn and in combination with our Liposuction procedure can try to resolve your problem safely and effectively providing prominent changes in appearance which may come with some temporary bruises and scars.
Gynecomastia Classification
Gynecomastia Treatment
Open/Direct gland removal is done to remove the breast glands. It is performed under general anaesthesia and is normally a simple procedure. The breast gland is removed from the roots. The surrounding fatty tissues can be possibly flattened with liposuction.
Chest fat removal surgery can also be efficiently carried out by Vaser liposuction that is a minimally invasive surgery.
The fourth generation Vaser Hi Def liposuction provides body sculpted look that is performed after the chest fat removal, it can help to create superficial grooves in the chest and abdomen and make up for an artificial six packs or a well defined torso that can be maintained with diet and regular exercise.